8:00 am – Breakfast
Coffee + Whole wheat toast with peanut butter or almond butter and honeyI start pretty much every day with this breakfast. I like to get up at least 90 minutes before I run, to have time to wake up, caffeinate (coffee is a must for me!), and eat. I’ve found that my morning workout goes better when I fuel beforehand, vs. just rolling out of bed to run without any breakfast. This small meal gives me enough fuel to get through a workout without feeling too full. I have my toast and coffee while I check email and read the news, and then prepare for my run with some foam rolling and stretching.
9:30 am – 1st run of the day
60-70 minute run + drills, strides, and strength workMost mornings I try to meet friends for a run (runs are so much more fun with a buddy!). I’m lucky to have many fast training partners in Providence, RI, where I’m based, including Molly Huddle, Kim Smith, and Katie Dicamillo. Katie and I both recently competed at the Olympic Marathon Trials in Los Angeles, and we were both very lucky to be selected to be part of the Strava Marathon Trials Program.
11:30 am – Latte
I like to grab a latte on the way home from my run, to get in some calories and protein during the crucial post-workout 30 minute recovery window. A steaming hot drink also helps me thaw out after a chilly winter run!
12 pm – Lunch
Back home from my morning run, it’s time for a real meal, usually a sandwich. My go-to source of protein at lunchtime are cold cuts – turkey breast, salami, and cheese (Jarlsberg is my favorite!) – on wheat bread with half an avocado for some healthy fat.While I’m eating lunch, I’ll upload my GPS data from my Garmin to Strava. I use Strava to analyze my splits, plan new routes (I’m new to Rhode Island and am still discovering the best places to run here!), and track my training. I have 3 years of training stored on Strava, so it’s easy to compare workouts from season to season and see where I’m making progress and improving fitness.
I also use Strava to stay in touch with running friends in California, where I’m originally from. I’m a longtime member of Strava Track Club, which is based in the San Francisco Bay Area – even though I don’t live there anymore, I like that I can stay connected to my teammates’ training through Strava.
1 pm – Work
While running is my main job – I’m currently focused on training for the Track & Field Olympic Trials in the 10,000 meters – I also have a couple of side gigs. I do part-time consulting work in the health & wellness industry, and I also have my own online coaching business for runners, called Training Joyfully. After lunch, I’ll spend an hour or two every afternoon catching up on work and writing training plans for my athletes.
3 pm – Snack
I like to eat a lot of small meals frequently throughout the day, which means by 3 pm I’m reaching for a snack. Usually I’ll have a bar with some fresh fruit to fuel before my second workout of the day.4 pm – Netflix + a Nap
An important part of training is recovery, so I try to get in a nap a few times a week. I’ll curl up on the couch, turn on Grey’s Anatomy, and doze off for a bit.
5:30 pm – 2nd Run or Yoga
Most weekdays I have a second run, or if not I like to go to a yoga class. Sometimes it can be hard to find the energy to get out the door again, so I’ll drink a glass of caffeinated Nuun to help get me going (Cherry Limeade is my favorite).6:30 pm – Post-workout Snack
My husband often works late, which means we eat dinner late, so I need a snack to tide me over before dinner. After my second workout, I’ll make a smoothie to drink while I’m cooking dinner. Go-to ingredients are vanilla soymilk, a banana, strawberries, and chia seeds.8:30 pm – Dinner
This is usually my biggest meal of the day – I try to pack in lots of vegetables and protein. At least once a week I’ll eat red meat to keep up my iron stores – a favorite iron-rich meal is beef + barley stew with carrots and celery. I’ll pair the main dish with a large salad, usually mixed greens or arugula with feta, avocado, bell peppers, dried cranberries, and sliced almonds. A few times a week I’ll also have a glass of red wine and some dark chocolate peanut butter cups for dessert ☺Beauty routine: With two workouts a day, I keep my beauty routine pretty simple. I use a Clinique moisturizer and a lightweight tinted moisturizer on my face, and touch up any blemishes with a concealer from Benefit (by far the best concealer I’ve used!). Mascara and tinted lip balm finish out my low-key look – I like the Sonia Kashuk lip balms from Target – they’re affordable, come in fun colors, and keep chapped lips at bay!
Social media: @runnerKG and www.runningjoyfully.com
Always nice to read about Kaitlin. Having trained alongside her in the bay area I know how diligent she is with her training. She has earned every bit of her success. Congratulations on all your accomplishments Kaitlin! So happy for you!
I enjoy reading your Workout Wednesday posts. I love seeing our professional athletes and trainers fuel for their busy and active days! Helps inspire the rest of us to make good, and nutritive food choices.
I love your blog anyday, but this is by far my favourite feature. I always follow these women on social after the posts and draw so much inspriation from them. THANK YOU!
I enjoy reading these “day in the life of an athlete” posts, but feel they all eat far to little for the amount of training they do. I don’t think the amount of calories they are calorically spending in one long or two medium length workouts is being eaten. As a health coach yourself, I am sure you realize this.
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