I can thank Scott Jurek one of the many people who influenced me. He is the reason I fell in love with the idea that “food is fuel” and it can help you train better and recover quicker. His book Eat&Run had me trying all different foods! One of the things I held on to until today was the idea of having brown rice for breakfast. In his book he explains as a young kid hiding his brown rice bowl on his way to a big race. He quickly saw how much better he felt eating “hippy” food and how much more energy he had for athletics.
So with that in mind and a long day of training ahead of me, I embraced my inner Scott Jurek. After a hour bike ride and a mile of swim drills, I was hungry. My workout was not over and I had Pilates that afternoon—one of my favorite ways to build muscle while building endurance and stretching my tight hip flexors. A bowl brown rice was just what I needed! I had some left over from dinner the night before. I can pretty much have a whole section dedicated to utilizing leftovers. It’s amazing what you can do if you step outside your normal way of thinking and try new things.
- 1 cup of cooked brown, black rice or any grain you prefer
- 1/4-1/2 cup nut milk
- dash cinnamon
- 1/2 cup berries
- 1/2 cup apple diced
- Optional add ins: chia seeds, flaxseeds, nuts, seeds, coconut, protein powder, almond butter,raisins,maca powder, date paste etc…
- In a small pot over medium heat add your diced apple, cinnamon and 1/4 nut milk. Cook for around 5 minutes until apple starts to soften.
- Add your rice and stir together cook till warm for an additional 5 minutes.
- lastly add your blueberries cook for another 1-2 minutes making sure your blueberries don’t turn to mush.
- Top with your favorite toppings. Optional serve with additional nut milk.
I’ve always wanted to try brown rice bowls…I need too! I’ve been interestingly wanting to get back in the pool…After my half marathon at the end of the month, I think I will. Thanks for always inspiring and helping me think outside the box! 🙂
You need to get in the pool! I am in love great cross training and it helps me with my breathing while running! Plus everything is always sore after a good pool workout!
LOVE this idea! Will be a nice change of pace from my usual overnight oats 🙂
Exactly my thoughts! It’s fun to play around with diffrent grains in the morning!
I listened to your podcast episode on Running on Om and you mentioned the power Scott Jurek had on your eating habits and his book is definitely at the top of my list!
I also eat quinoa in the morning with almond milk and some blueberries, another favorite is the Food for Life Ezekiel cereal!
Yes! Scott Has been a huge role model for me! I love all his work and his book was so inspiring. A must read!!
Looks delicious! I was just telling my husband last night I should try replacing my morning oats with some rice.