- 1 cup cooked quinoa
- 1 cup cooked brown rice
- 3 tablespoons apple butter
- Salt to taste
- 1 large jar of grape leaves soaked for 6 hours in water to soften or boil with water for 10 minutes
Mix cooked quinoa and rice with apple butter.
- 1 cup no sugar added apricot jelly
- 3/4 cup fresh lemon juice
- 1/4-1/2 cup water
- 2 teaspoon of dried mint
- 1/2 cup chopped apricot
- salt to taste
- Roll grape leaves with around 3 tablespoons of brown rice-quinoa filling.
- Mix sauce together and pour over your rolled grape leafs
- Cook the rolled grape leaves in a Pyrex at 350 with the sauce covered tightly for 45-60 minutes
I have never had grape leaves and now? I MUST! These look amazing!
Thanks so much for what you do! I used to be a calorie counter and was so worried my running performance would go down if I stopped counting, but now I follow your mantra of “count nutrients not calories” (and using your super awesome recipes when my own crash and burn…don’t ask about me mixing chia seeds with broccoli and cinnamon.) and and seriously, I am running better than ever!
Thank you so so so much!
Hi, I cannot find Apple Butter in Panama. What can I use instead?