I wanted to make the recipe again with a little twist. I have been using NOW foods products for over 2 years now and I’m always discovering new products that they have. Like this garlic infused coconut oil it is the perfect addition to this crust recipe you can now fit on amazon!
So this recipe all starts in the morning (or not before), before you head out to work or the gym remember to get your quinoa soaking you can leave it on the kitchen counter and just let it soak for at least 5 hours. You want to make sure the water is covering the quinoa. When you are ready to get blending make sure to give it a good rinse quinoa can have a bitter taste if you don’t rinse it.
The crust is so crispy it can handle a lot of toppings. I am not stranger to adding veggies everywhere this is the perfect place to add tons of veggies if you have picky eaters at home that you are cooking for you can add sauce and cheese they wont even know the difference. I like to make a few crusts at a time or even make individual ones if I’m just cooking for me. I then freeze them on parchment paper then in a ziplock. It is just like buying that pre-made pizza crust at the store. By the time you are ready to use it you totally forgot you made it and it feels like someone made it for you.
I even made this recipe video to show you how its done. Now there is no excuse to not give it a try!
- 1 cup of NOW uncooked quinoa (soaked in water for at least 5 hours or overnight)
- 1/4 cup water
- 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
- 1 tablespoon NOW Garlic coconut oil
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- preheat oven to 400
- Rinse your quinoa with a strainer really well in a strainer
- Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth, you may beed to scrape the sides down and blend until it is smooth
- Place parchment paper on a 10-12 inch pizza pan or baking dish, Spray with non-stick spray, and spread out batter on to the dish
- Cook for 12 minutes, then flip and cook an additional 10-12 minutes till crispy and brown
- Place your favorite toppings on top and then place back in the oven for an additional 3-5 minutes