Coffee and Running Explaining running to non runners. When trying to explain this crazy addiction known as the running bug that I cought a couple years ago, I always refer back to a morning cup of coffee. You wake up and drink your coffee, because who doesn’t. Some like it dark, some sweet, maybe sweet…
Jicama Style “Hash Browns”
After making my “Jicama Fries” I was amazed how jicama can be transformed. It got me thinking about traditional potato dishes—-Hash Browns! an all time favorite, found this dish naturally sweet I think coming from the sweetness you get when you sweat an onion, but looking forward to making this again! great brunch side dish…
Black Bean Veggie Loaded Burgers
When looking up veggie burger recipes, I had a really hard time finding ones that didn’t have breadcrumbs, so I attempted to make my own! Of course loaded them up with vegetables, and spices, which gave them so much flavor! don’t skimp on the spices it really takes it to another level! I tried…
Homemade Barbecue Sauce (BBQ)
One of my go to sauces, this glaze a great sauce that goes well with pretty much any vegetable or protein you like! a bit spicy but sweet as well, the same flavors you would find in traditional BBQ sauce, but without all the added sugars and preservatives. Recipe: 1/4 cup apricot jelly (no sugar…
IT Band Syndrome
This no stretching business has finally caught up to me. I’ve been getting by, but after not being able to touch my toes or doing my daily foam rolling and basic stretches, I’ve found myself limping up and down the stairs. Last Wednesday I headed out for a hard tempo run, around mile 3 I…